Earhart, Charles d.12/17/44 Richmond St., Charles was married to Ellen. Charles died during the Battle of the Bulge, while serving with the 1st Calvary division. Read more
DeLoche, Louis E. d.2/26/45, POW, captured Bataan, Philippines, died at Camp Honshu, Island, Japan Read more
Cox, Edward b.1926 or 1927 d.5/4/45 249 Noble Ave. St. Matthew's Lutheran. KIA Okinawa U.S. Army – he was 18 years old. Read more
Cerar, Charles d.2/2/44 WWII Thornburg St. Philips, Army infantry - training at Ft. Bliss, Texas. Read more
Brownlee, James WWII Clairhaven St., St. Philips, ’39 Private James J., 19, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Brownlee was originally reported MIA. He was later confirmed to have been killed in action. Army field artillery - Southern France. Read more