d.6/30/44 Clairhaven St., St. Philips Jim was the son of Mr. And Mrs. Clarence Stein and was an Aviation Radioman 2nd Class. He died in the South Pacific.
b.1918 d.9/11/43 1943 E. Crafton Ave. John graduated from the USNA as served on the USS Savannah. While supporting the landing at Salerno, Italy in 1943, his ship was hit with a bomb. John was the brother of Les Speer CHS’34. He was buried at sea. He was 35 years old. p.
b.9/26/22 d.1/7/45. Attended 1st Ward School grades 1-6. Graduated 2nd Ward School (7-8 grades) 1936. CHS class of 1940. Joe was killed in Belgium when Army glider crashed. Joe lived on 2nd floor of his father’s furniture store on Noble Avenue. Joe was returned to Pittsburgh and is believed to be buried in Allegheny Cemetery. He…
WWII Oakwood St. Philip ‘37 Marines died after receiving severe wounds during Iwo Jima. Brother of radio commentators Jim and Paul Shannon. Paul later went into television.
b.9/1/23 d.10/25/44 WWII White St. St. Philip ’37. CHS ’41. Vince liked dramatics in high school and was a member of the gym club. He was employed by Pittsburgh Brass Company before enlisting in the Navy in 1943. He attended boot camp at Sampson, NY. Deployed on Destroyer USS Johnston as water tender 3rd class. He…